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2. 问题分析

2.1 coreDNS的cache是如何工作的?

  1. ServeDNS()中处理DNS请求,调用WriteMsg()写入响应。

// /home/kangxiaoning/workspace/coredns/plugin/cache/handler.go func (c *Cache) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error) { state := request.Request{W: w, Req: r} zone := plugin.Zones(c.Zones).Matches(state.Name()) if zone == "" { return plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, w, r) } now := c.now().UTC() server := metrics.WithServer(ctx) ttl := 0 i := c.getIgnoreTTL(now, state, server) if i != nil { ttl = i.ttl(now) } if i == nil || -ttl >= int(c.staleUpTo.Seconds()) { crr := &ResponseWriter{ResponseWriter: w, Cache: c, state: state, server: server} return plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, crr, r) } if ttl < 0 { servedStale.WithLabelValues(server).Inc() // Adjust the time to get a 0 TTL in the reply built from a stale item. now = now.Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second) go func() { r := r.Copy() crr := &ResponseWriter{Cache: c, state: state, server: server, prefetch: true, remoteAddr: w.LocalAddr()} plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, crr, r) }() } resp := i.toMsg(r, now) w.WriteMsg(resp) if c.shouldPrefetch(i, now) { go c.doPrefetch(ctx, state, server, i, now) } return dns.RcodeSuccess, nil }
  1. WriteMsg()写入响应的过程中处理cache,先获取DNS响应消息中的TTL值,再根据cache配置的TTL计算Duration ,最后当Duration > 0时调用w.set(res, key, mt, duration)将结果写入cache。

Duration表示的是这条消息在cache中的有效时间,默认最小5秒,最大为Corefile中配置的TTL。当查询缓存时,根据当前时间、 Duration可判断缓存是否有效。

// /home/kangxiaoning/workspace/coredns/plugin/cache/cache.go func (w *ResponseWriter) WriteMsg(res *dns.Msg) error { do := false mt, opt := response.Typify(res, w.now().UTC()) if opt != nil { do = opt.Do() } // key returns empty string for anything we don't want to cache. hasKey, key := key(w.state.Name(), res, mt, do) msgTTL := dnsutil.MinimalTTL(res, mt) var duration time.Duration if mt == response.NameError || mt == response.NoData { duration = computeTTL(msgTTL, w.minnttl, w.nttl) } else if mt == response.ServerError { // use default ttl which is 5s duration = minTTL } else { duration = computeTTL(msgTTL, w.minpttl, w.pttl) } if hasKey && duration > 0 { if w.state.Match(res) { w.set(res, key, mt, duration) cacheSize.WithLabelValues(w.server, Success).Set(float64(w.pcache.Len())) cacheSize.WithLabelValues(w.server, Denial).Set(float64(w.ncache.Len())) } else { // Don't log it, but increment counter cacheDrops.WithLabelValues(w.server).Inc() } } if w.prefetch { return nil } // Apply capped TTL to this reply to avoid jarring TTL experience 1799 -> 8 (e.g.) ttl := uint32(duration.Seconds()) for i := range res.Answer { res.Answer[i].Header().Ttl = ttl } for i := range res.Ns { res.Ns[i].Header().Ttl = ttl } for i := range res.Extra { if res.Extra[i].Header().Rrtype != dns.TypeOPT { res.Extra[i].Header().Ttl = ttl } } return w.ResponseWriter.WriteMsg(res) }
  • dnsutil.MinimalTTL()用于获取DNS响应消息中的TTL

// MinimalTTL scans the message returns the lowest TTL found taking into the response.Type of the message. func MinimalTTL(m *dns.Msg, mt response.Type) time.Duration { if mt != response.NoError && mt != response.NameError && mt != response.NoData { return MinimalDefaultTTL } // No records or OPT is the only record, return a short ttl as a fail safe. if len(m.Answer)+len(m.Ns) == 0 && (len(m.Extra) == 0 || (len(m.Extra) == 1 && m.Extra[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeOPT)) { return MinimalDefaultTTL } minTTL := MaximumDefaulTTL for _, r := range m.Answer { if r.Header().Ttl < uint32(minTTL.Seconds()) { minTTL = time.Duration(r.Header().Ttl) * time.Second } } for _, r := range m.Ns { if r.Header().Ttl < uint32(minTTL.Seconds()) { minTTL = time.Duration(r.Header().Ttl) * time.Second } } for _, r := range m.Extra { if r.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeOPT { // OPT records use TTL field for extended rcode and flags continue } if r.Header().Ttl < uint32(minTTL.Seconds()) { minTTL = time.Duration(r.Header().Ttl) * time.Second } } return minTTL }
  • cache.computeTTL()用于计算Duration

func computeTTL(msgTTL, minTTL, maxTTL time.Duration) time.Duration { ttl := msgTTL if ttl < minTTL { ttl = minTTL } if ttl > maxTTL { ttl = maxTTL } return ttl }
  • 调用set()写入cache

// /home/kangxiaoning/workspace/coredns/plugin/cache/cache.go func (w *ResponseWriter) set(m *dns.Msg, key uint64, mt response.Type, duration time.Duration) { // duration is expected > 0 // and key is valid switch mt { case response.NoError, response.Delegation: i := newItem(m, w.now(), duration) w.pcache.Add(key, i) case response.NameError, response.NoData, response.ServerError: i := newItem(m, w.now(), duration) w.ncache.Add(key, i) case response.OtherError: // don't cache these default: log.Warningf("Caching called with unknown classification: %d", mt) } }
  • 生成Item,将Duration写入到item.origTTL

// /home/kangxiaoning/workspace/coredns/plugin/cache/item.go func newItem(m *dns.Msg, now time.Time, d time.Duration) *item { i := new(item) i.Rcode = m.Rcode i.AuthenticatedData = m.AuthenticatedData i.RecursionAvailable = m.RecursionAvailable i.Answer = m.Answer i.Ns = m.Ns i.Extra = make([]dns.RR, len(m.Extra)) // Don't copy OPT records as these are hop-by-hop. j := 0 for _, e := range m.Extra { if e.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeOPT { continue } i.Extra[j] = e j++ } i.Extra = i.Extra[:j] i.origTTL = uint32(d.Seconds()) i.stored = now.UTC() i.Freq = new(freq.Freq) return i }

2.2 coreDNS会返回过期的cache记录吗?

从下面代码可以看到,在查询cache过程中会判断cache item的TTL是否大于0,大于0表示cache有效,小于0表示cache失效,可以配置失效情况的处理逻辑。


// /home/kangxiaoning/workspace/coredns/plugin/cache/handler.go func (c *Cache) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error) { state := request.Request{W: w, Req: r} zone := plugin.Zones(c.Zones).Matches(state.Name()) if zone == "" { return plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, w, r) } now := c.now().UTC() server := metrics.WithServer(ctx) ttl := 0 i := c.getIgnoreTTL(now, state, server) if i != nil { ttl = i.ttl(now) } if i == nil || -ttl >= int(c.staleUpTo.Seconds()) { crr := &ResponseWriter{ResponseWriter: w, Cache: c, state: state, server: server} return plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, crr, r) } if ttl < 0 { servedStale.WithLabelValues(server).Inc() // Adjust the time to get a 0 TTL in the reply built from a stale item. now = now.Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second) go func() { r := r.Copy() crr := &ResponseWriter{Cache: c, state: state, server: server, prefetch: true, remoteAddr: w.LocalAddr()} plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, crr, r) }() } resp := i.toMsg(r, now) w.WriteMsg(resp) if c.shouldPrefetch(i, now) { go c.doPrefetch(ctx, state, server, i, now) } return dns.RcodeSuccess, nil }
  • 根据当前时间、 item.origTTL计算缓存条目的TTL

// /home/kangxiaoning/workspace/coredns/plugin/cache/item.go func (i *item) ttl(now time.Time) int { ttl := int(i.origTTL) - int(now.UTC().Sub(i.stored).Seconds()) return ttl }

3. 分析结论


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    Last modified: 07 January 2025