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PLEG的全称是Pod Lifecycle Event Generator ,顾名思义,是Pod生命周期中产生事件的模块。kubelet (Kubernetes) 中的PLEG模块会根据每个匹配的pod事件调整容器运行时状态,并通过应用更改来保持pod缓存的最新状态。

1. PLEG启动过程

Kubelet.Run()会启动pleg ,这里的pleg是个interface,无法直接跳转到源码,因此下面通过Debug追踪执行pleg的具体代码。

func (kl *Kubelet) Run(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate) { if kl.logServer == nil { kl.logServer = http.StripPrefix("/logs/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/var/log/"))) } if kl.kubeClient == nil { klog.InfoS("No API server defined - no node status update will be sent") } // Start the cloud provider sync manager if kl.cloudResourceSyncManager != nil { go kl.cloudResourceSyncManager.Run(wait.NeverStop) } if err := kl.initializeModules(); err != nil { kl.recorder.Eventf(kl.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.KubeletSetupFailed, err.Error()) klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to initialize internal modules") os.Exit(1) } // Start volume manager go kl.volumeManager.Run(kl.sourcesReady, wait.NeverStop) if kl.kubeClient != nil { // Introduce some small jittering to ensure that over time the requests won't start // accumulating at approximately the same time from the set of nodes due to priority and // fairness effect. go wait.JitterUntil(kl.syncNodeStatus, kl.nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, 0.04, true, wait.NeverStop) go kl.fastStatusUpdateOnce() // start syncing lease go kl.nodeLeaseController.Run(wait.NeverStop) } go wait.Until(kl.updateRuntimeUp, 5*time.Second, wait.NeverStop) // Set up iptables util rules if kl.makeIPTablesUtilChains { kl.initNetworkUtil() } // Start component sync loops. kl.statusManager.Start() // Start syncing RuntimeClasses if enabled. if kl.runtimeClassManager != nil { kl.runtimeClassManager.Start(wait.NeverStop) } // Start the pod lifecycle event generator. kl.pleg.Start() kl.syncLoop(updates, kl) }
Kubelet pleg start

    Step into到Start()函数,可以看到具体执行的是GenericPLEG.Start()

    • Debug信息显示relistPeriod为1秒,也就是间隔1秒执行一次relist操作。

    Generic pleg start
      func (g *GenericPLEG) Start() { go wait.Until(g.relist, g.relistPeriod, wait.NeverStop) }

      问题: 如果relist()完成时长大于1秒,会不会导致多个relist()同时在运行?

      答: 不会,从wait.Until()的实现可知,同一时刻只有一个relist()执行,不管relist()花费多长时间,两次执行的间隔都是1秒。

      • 注意sliding赋值为true ,表示在f()执行完成后计算下次要运行的时间。

      func Until(f func(), period time.Duration, stopCh <-chan struct{}) { JitterUntil(f, period, 0.0, true, stopCh) }
      func JitterUntil(f func(), period time.Duration, jitterFactor float64, sliding bool, stopCh <-chan struct{}) { BackoffUntil(f, NewJitteredBackoffManager(period, jitterFactor, &clock.RealClock{}), sliding, stopCh) }
      • 核心逻辑在BackoffUntil()中,每次f()执行完成后进入select ,等待t.C()触发下一次执行,而t.C()是在函数f()执行完成后,再根据period计算的时间。

      // BackoffUntil loops until stop channel is closed, run f every duration given by BackoffManager. // // If sliding is true, the period is computed after f runs. If it is false then // period includes the runtime for f. func BackoffUntil(f func(), backoff BackoffManager, sliding bool, stopCh <-chan struct{}) { var t clock.Timer for { select { case <-stopCh: return default: } if !sliding { t = backoff.Backoff() } func() { defer runtime.HandleCrash() f() }() if sliding { t = backoff.Backoff() } // NOTE: b/c there is no priority selection in golang // it is possible for this to race, meaning we could // trigger t.C and stopCh, and t.C select falls through. // In order to mitigate we re-check stopCh at the beginning // of every loop to prevent extra executions of f(). select { case <-stopCh: if !t.Stop() { <-t.C() } return case <-t.C(): } } }
      func (j *jitteredBackoffManagerImpl) Backoff() clock.Timer { backoff := j.getNextBackoff() if j.backoffTimer == nil { j.backoffTimer = j.clock.NewTimer(backoff) } else { j.backoffTimer.Reset(backoff) } return j.backoffTimer }
      func (j *jitteredBackoffManagerImpl) getNextBackoff() time.Duration { jitteredPeriod := j.duration if j.jitter > 0.0 { jitteredPeriod = Jitter(j.duration, j.jitter) } return jitteredPeriod }


      2. relist的作用及实现

      relist()通过grpc远程调用runtime查询容器列表,执行for循环遍历每个Pod,比较Pod对象的旧版本与当前版本,调用computeEvents()计算容器事件并添加到eventsByPodID中,最后for循环遍历所有事件并进行处理,包括更新Pod缓存,将事件发送至g.eventChannel ,处理之前更新缓存失败的Pod列表,维护podsToReinspect等。


      // relist queries the container runtime for list of pods/containers, compare // with the internal pods/containers, and generates events accordingly. func (g *GenericPLEG) relist() { klog.V(5).InfoS("GenericPLEG: Relisting") if lastRelistTime := g.getRelistTime(); !lastRelistTime.IsZero() { metrics.PLEGRelistInterval.Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(lastRelistTime)) } timestamp := g.clock.Now() defer func() { metrics.PLEGRelistDuration.Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(timestamp)) }() // Get all the pods. podList, err := g.runtime.GetPods(true) if err != nil { klog.ErrorS(err, "GenericPLEG: Unable to retrieve pods") return } g.updateRelistTime(timestamp) pods := kubecontainer.Pods(podList) // update running pod and container count updateRunningPodAndContainerMetrics(pods) g.podRecords.setCurrent(pods) // Compare the old and the current pods, and generate events. eventsByPodID := map[types.UID][]*PodLifecycleEvent{} for pid := range g.podRecords { oldPod := g.podRecords.getOld(pid) pod := g.podRecords.getCurrent(pid) // Get all containers in the old and the new pod. allContainers := getContainersFromPods(oldPod, pod) for _, container := range allContainers { events := computeEvents(oldPod, pod, &container.ID) for _, e := range events { updateEvents(eventsByPodID, e) } } } var needsReinspection map[types.UID]*kubecontainer.Pod if g.cacheEnabled() { needsReinspection = make(map[types.UID]*kubecontainer.Pod) } // If there are events associated with a pod, we should update the // podCache. for pid, events := range eventsByPodID { pod := g.podRecords.getCurrent(pid) if g.cacheEnabled() { // updateCache() will inspect the pod and update the cache. If an // error occurs during the inspection, we want PLEG to retry again // in the next relist. To achieve this, we do not update the // associated podRecord of the pod, so that the change will be // detect again in the next relist. // TODO: If many pods changed during the same relist period, // inspecting the pod and getting the PodStatus to update the cache // serially may take a while. We should be aware of this and // parallelize if needed. if err := g.updateCache(pod, pid); err != nil { // Rely on updateCache calling GetPodStatus to log the actual error. klog.V(4).ErrorS(err, "PLEG: Ignoring events for pod", "pod", klog.KRef(pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) // make sure we try to reinspect the pod during the next relisting needsReinspection[pid] = pod continue } else { // this pod was in the list to reinspect and we did so because it had events, so remove it // from the list (we don't want the reinspection code below to inspect it a second time in // this relist execution) delete(g.podsToReinspect, pid) } } // Update the internal storage and send out the events. g.podRecords.update(pid) // Map from containerId to exit code; used as a temporary cache for lookup containerExitCode := make(map[string]int) for i := range events { // Filter out events that are not reliable and no other components use yet. if events[i].Type == ContainerChanged { continue } select { case g.eventChannel <- events[i]: default: metrics.PLEGDiscardEvents.Inc() klog.ErrorS(nil, "Event channel is full, discard this relist() cycle event") } // Log exit code of containers when they finished in a particular event if events[i].Type == ContainerDied { // Fill up containerExitCode map for ContainerDied event when first time appeared if len(containerExitCode) == 0 && pod != nil && g.cache != nil { // Get updated podStatus status, err := g.cache.Get(pod.ID) if err == nil { for _, containerStatus := range status.ContainerStatuses { containerExitCode[containerStatus.ID.ID] = containerStatus.ExitCode } } } if containerID, ok := events[i].Data.(string); ok { if exitCode, ok := containerExitCode[containerID]; ok && pod != nil { klog.V(2).InfoS("Generic (PLEG): container finished", "podID", pod.ID, "containerID", containerID, "exitCode", exitCode) } } } } } if g.cacheEnabled() { // reinspect any pods that failed inspection during the previous relist if len(g.podsToReinspect) > 0 { klog.V(5).InfoS("GenericPLEG: Reinspecting pods that previously failed inspection") for pid, pod := range g.podsToReinspect { if err := g.updateCache(pod, pid); err != nil { // Rely on updateCache calling GetPodStatus to log the actual error. klog.V(5).ErrorS(err, "PLEG: pod failed reinspection", "pod", klog.KRef(pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) needsReinspection[pid] = pod } } } // Update the cache timestamp. This needs to happen *after* // all pods have been properly updated in the cache. g.cache.UpdateTime(timestamp) } // make sure we retain the list of pods that need reinspecting the next time relist is called g.podsToReinspect = needsReinspection }

      2.1 Debug GetPods()


      Generic pleg relist

        GetPods()这一行打断点并Step into,具体实现是kubeGenericRuntimeManager.GetPods()

        Kube generic runtime manager getpods
          // GetPods returns a list of containers grouped by pods. The boolean parameter // specifies whether the runtime returns all containers including those already // exited and dead containers (used for garbage collection). func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) GetPods(all bool) ([]*kubecontainer.Pod, error) { pods := make(map[kubetypes.UID]*kubecontainer.Pod) sandboxes, err := m.getKubeletSandboxes(all) if err != nil { return nil, err } for i := range sandboxes { s := sandboxes[i] if s.Metadata == nil { klog.V(4).InfoS("Sandbox does not have metadata", "sandbox", s) continue } podUID := kubetypes.UID(s.Metadata.Uid) if _, ok := pods[podUID]; !ok { pods[podUID] = &kubecontainer.Pod{ ID: podUID, Name: s.Metadata.Name, Namespace: s.Metadata.Namespace, } } p := pods[podUID] converted, err := m.sandboxToKubeContainer(s) if err != nil { klog.V(4).InfoS("Convert sandbox of pod failed", "runtimeName", m.runtimeName, "sandbox", s, "podUID", podUID, "err", err) continue } p.Sandboxes = append(p.Sandboxes, converted) } containers, err := m.getKubeletContainers(all) if err != nil { return nil, err } for i := range containers { c := containers[i] if c.Metadata == nil { klog.V(4).InfoS("Container does not have metadata", "container", c) continue } labelledInfo := getContainerInfoFromLabels(c.Labels) pod, found := pods[labelledInfo.PodUID] if !found { pod = &kubecontainer.Pod{ ID: labelledInfo.PodUID, Name: labelledInfo.PodName, Namespace: labelledInfo.PodNamespace, } pods[labelledInfo.PodUID] = pod } converted, err := m.toKubeContainer(c) if err != nil { klog.V(4).InfoS("Convert container of pod failed", "runtimeName", m.runtimeName, "container", c, "podUID", labelledInfo.PodUID, "err", err) continue } pod.Containers = append(pod.Containers, converted) } // Convert map to list. var result []*kubecontainer.Pod for _, pod := range pods { result = append(result, pod) } return result, nil }


          // getKubeletSandboxes lists all (or just the running) sandboxes managed by kubelet. func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) getKubeletSandboxes(all bool) ([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error) { var filter *runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter if !all { readyState := runtimeapi.PodSandboxState_SANDBOX_READY filter = &runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter{ State: &runtimeapi.PodSandboxStateValue{ State: readyState, }, } } resp, err := m.runtimeService.ListPodSandbox(filter) if err != nil { klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to list pod sandboxes") return nil, err } return resp, nil }

          打断点Step into到ListPodSandbox()的具体实现 - instrumentedRuntimeService.ListPodSandbox()

          Get kubelet sandboxes
            Instrumented runtime service list pod sandbox
              func (in instrumentedRuntimeService) ListPodSandbox(filter *runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error) { const operation = "list_podsandbox" defer recordOperation(operation, time.Now()) out, err := in.service.ListPodSandbox(filter) recordError(operation, err) return out, err }

              打断点Step into到ListPodSandbox()的具体实现 - remoteRuntimeService.ListPodSandbox()

              Remote runtime service list pod sandbox
                // ListPodSandbox returns a list of PodSandboxes. func (r *remoteRuntimeService) ListPodSandbox(filter *runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error) { klog.V(10).InfoS("[RemoteRuntimeService] ListPodSandbox", "filter", filter, "timeout", r.timeout) ctx, cancel := getContextWithTimeout(r.timeout) defer cancel() if r.useV1API() { return r.listPodSandboxV1(ctx, filter) } return r.listPodSandboxV1alpha2(ctx, filter) }

                打断点Step into到ListPodSandbox()的具体实现 - remoteRuntimeService.ListPodSandboxV1()

                Remote runtime service list pod sandbox v1
                  func (r *remoteRuntimeService) listPodSandboxV1(ctx context.Context, filter *runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error) { resp, err := r.runtimeClient.ListPodSandbox(ctx, &runtimeapi.ListPodSandboxRequest{ Filter: filter, }) if err != nil { klog.ErrorS(err, "ListPodSandbox with filter from runtime service failed", "filter", filter) return nil, err } klog.V(10).InfoS("[RemoteRuntimeService] ListPodSandbox Response", "filter", filter, "items", resp.Items) return resp.Items, nil }

                  打断点Step into到ListPodSandbox()的具体实现 - runtimeServiceClient.ListPodSandbox()

                  Runtime service client list pod sandbox
                    func (c *runtimeServiceClient) ListPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, in *ListPodSandboxRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListPodSandboxResponse, error) { out := new(ListPodSandboxResponse) err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/runtime.v1.RuntimeService/ListPodSandbox", in, out, opts...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil }


                    Grpc invoke
                      // Invoke sends the RPC request on the wire and returns after response is // received. This is typically called by generated code. // // All errors returned by Invoke are compatible with the status package. func (cc *ClientConn) Invoke(ctx context.Context, method string, args, reply interface{}, opts ...CallOption) error { // allow interceptor to see all applicable call options, which means those // configured as defaults from dial option as well as per-call options opts = combine(cc.dopts.callOptions, opts) if cc.dopts.unaryInt != nil { return cc.dopts.unaryInt(ctx, method, args, reply, cc, invoke, opts...) } return invoke(ctx, method, args, reply, cc, opts...) }

                      2.2 PLEG的瓶颈分析


                      • GetPods()涉及的grpc远程调用

                      Pleg getpods
                        • UpdateCache()涉及的grpc远程调用

                        Pleg updatecache

                          3. PLEG is not healthy是如何发生的?

                          Kubelet.Run()中可以看到这个函数还执行了kl.syncLoop(updates, kl) ,这个函数会持续执行kl.runtimeState.runtimeErrors()检查运行时状态。

                          // syncLoop is the main loop for processing changes. It watches for changes from // three channels (file, apiserver, and http) and creates a union of them. For // any new change seen, will run a sync against desired state and running state. If // no changes are seen to the configuration, will synchronize the last known desired // state every sync-frequency seconds. Never returns. func (kl *Kubelet) syncLoop(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate, handler SyncHandler) { klog.InfoS("Starting kubelet main sync loop") // The syncTicker wakes up kubelet to checks if there are any pod workers // that need to be sync'd. A one-second period is sufficient because the // sync interval is defaulted to 10s. syncTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second) defer syncTicker.Stop() housekeepingTicker := time.NewTicker(housekeepingPeriod) defer housekeepingTicker.Stop() plegCh := kl.pleg.Watch() const ( base = 100 * time.Millisecond max = 5 * time.Second factor = 2 ) duration := base // Responsible for checking limits in resolv.conf // The limits do not have anything to do with individual pods // Since this is called in syncLoop, we don't need to call it anywhere else if kl.dnsConfigurer != nil && kl.dnsConfigurer.ResolverConfig != "" { kl.dnsConfigurer.CheckLimitsForResolvConf() } for { if err := kl.runtimeState.runtimeErrors(); err != nil { klog.ErrorS(err, "Skipping pod synchronization") // exponential backoff time.Sleep(duration) duration = time.Duration(math.Min(float64(max), factor*float64(duration))) continue } // reset backoff if we have a success duration = base kl.syncLoopMonitor.Store(kl.clock.Now()) if !kl.syncLoopIteration(updates, handler, syncTicker.C, housekeepingTicker.C, plegCh) { break } kl.syncLoopMonitor.Store(kl.clock.Now()) } }
                          • runtimeState.runtimeErrors()会执行health check ,如果健康检查失败(hc.fn()返回false ),则会记录PLEG is not healthy

                          func (s *runtimeState) runtimeErrors() error { s.RLock() defer s.RUnlock() errs := []error{} if s.lastBaseRuntimeSync.IsZero() { errs = append(errs, errors.New("container runtime status check may not have completed yet")) } else if !s.lastBaseRuntimeSync.Add(s.baseRuntimeSyncThreshold).After(time.Now()) { errs = append(errs, errors.New("container runtime is down")) } for _, hc := range s.healthChecks { if ok, err := hc.fn(); !ok { errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("%s is not healthy: %v", hc.name, err)) } } if s.runtimeError != nil { errs = append(errs, s.runtimeError) } return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs) }
                          • Debug可定位到hc.fn()的具体实现是GenericPLEG.Healthy()

                          Runtime state runtime errors
                            Generic pleg healthy
                              • GenericPLEG.Healthy()会判断上次relist记录时间到现在是否已经超过3分钟,如果超过3分钟则返回false及报错信息。

                              // Healthy check if PLEG work properly. // relistThreshold is the maximum interval between two relist. func (g *GenericPLEG) Healthy() (bool, error) { relistTime := g.getRelistTime() if relistTime.IsZero() { return false, fmt.Errorf("pleg has yet to be successful") } // Expose as metric so you can alert on `time()-pleg_last_seen_seconds > nn` metrics.PLEGLastSeen.Set(float64(relistTime.Unix())) elapsed := g.clock.Since(relistTime) if elapsed > relistThreshold { return false, fmt.Errorf("pleg was last seen active %v ago; threshold is %v", elapsed, relistThreshold) } return true, nil }

                              综上可知,Kubelet启动后会持续执行健康检查,如果relist超时3分钟会导致健康检查失败,进而报错PLEG is not healthy

                              4. PLEG is not healthy和NotReady有什么关系?

                              本质上没有直接的联系,但是从前面分析可知,当出现PLEG is not healthy时,通常意味着当时负载较高,这种情况也比较容易导致NotReady的情况出现。出现这个报错可能有如下原因。


                              Last modified: 07 January 2025